Easy Solution for Staying Focused and Productive
Our Chrome extension syncs with your GitHub account in a few simple steps and enables you to track project time automatically right from GitHub dashboards.
actiTIME time tracking Chrome extension automatically syncs with your GitHub account
Spend less time on filling timesheets
Embrace distraction-free time tracking
actiTIME Timer collects very accurate productivity data and allows you to stay in the coding flow longer without getting distracted on manual time tracking.
Main Features
Start actiTIME timer directly from your toolbar
Automated one-click timer
Start hour tracking with a single click on a button and access the timer right from your GitHub / GitLab dashboards.
Edit timesheet manually whenever you need it
Manual timesheet editing
Forgot to stop the timer after work or didn’t pause it before going on a break? You have a chance to edit your timesheet manually whenever needed.
Add notes to your time entries in actiTIME
Time entry comments
You can add notes to your time entries to clarify what you’ve already completed or remind yourself what’s left to be done.
How to Get Started?
Download and install actiTIME Chrome Extension.
Connect it to your actiTIME account.
Open the timer's settings. Insert your GitHub domain name in the designated line, select GitHub as your preferred integration option and click on the Add button.
Next, decide which GitHub issue you want to track time for, locate the actiTIME icon next to the title of the selected issue and click on the Start button to commence the process.
Afterward, you can save the tracked time to actiTIME by syncing the record with any task.
Forget about manual time tracking and stay in the coding flow longer
Get actiTIME Timer for GitHub
Get actiTIME timer extension for GitHub
Track work progress and improve project management with actiTIME
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