Project Tracking
Create project scopes and track
work progress
Visualize project progress to forecast costs and results
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Trusted by 10,000+ companies across the globe
Project Management
Create project scopes, allocate workload, collaborate, and monitor completion.
Task Tracking
View task progress and statuses. Detect time-consuming work and prioritize accordingly.
Data-Based Estimation
Estimate how long a project or task will take based on historical data.
Organize Your Work for
Maximum Efficiency
Essential Features to Improve Collaboration,
Visibility, and Accountability
Custom Work Structure
Create multilevel time tracking structures and user groups in accordance with your needs.
Time Estimates
Define estimated time amounts for each task to distribute workload evenly.
Task Deadlines
Set and adjust deadlines and automated reminders to ensure timely project completion.
Task Workflow Statuses
Create task statuses (e.g., in progress, on hold, done, etc.) and use them for progress tracking.
Kanban View
Get an informative picture of current work progress with the Kanban board view.
Task Assignments
Allocate tasks individually or in bulk based on your teammates’ workload.
Custom Fields
Categorize tasks by unique parameters that are important for your business.
Data Import
Use a straightforward CSV template to upload multiple tasks into the system.
Unleash the Power of Effective Task
and Project Management
Clear Objectives
Define the desired project outcomes to guide your team’s efforts and keep everyone focused.
Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency to ensure that the most critical assignments are completed on time.
Break down projects into smaller tasks and assign them to your team members to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Clearly communicate work requirements, deadlines, and task dependencies to employees to foster a culture of responsibility.
Ready to bring
your business to the next level?
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