Uninstalling actiTIME

The instructions on this page should be followed if you want to uninstall actiTIME v2021.0 or higher.
To uninstall the previous version of actiTIME, please refer to the instructions provided here.

  1. Back up your database.
  2. Open the actiTIME directory.
  3. Run the ‘uninstall.sh’ script from the actiTIME directory.

    $ ./uninstall.sh

    Running shell scripts (.sh files) in Windows requires Git for Windows to be installed.
    To run a script in Windows: - Go to the actiTIME installation folder. - Right-click inside the actiTIME installation folder and click the ‘Git Bash Here’ option. Git terminal will be opened. - Type into the Git terminal the ‘./’, the script name, the file extension (without spaces) and press Enter on the keyboard. For example:

    $ ./install.sh

After uninstalling actiTIME v2021.0 or higher some files (‘actitime.config’, ‘user.config’, etc.) will remain in the actiTIME directory. You can delete these files manually but we strongly do recommend not to delete the database backup (‘.sql’ file).

The Docker should also be deleted manually, if necessary. To uninstall Docker environment, please refer to the manuals on the Docker website.