Amazing Ways to Stay Productive This Holiday Season

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December 2020
Amazing Ways to Stay Productive This Holiday Season

Holidays are a great time for fun, family and, sadly, distractions. Between attending parties, planning holiday trips, and finding time to buy gifts, December can be a hard time to stay productive and focused on your professional goals and aspirations. It typically feels like a professional whirlwind.

In the middle of working on a crucial project, you may frequently find yourself thinking whether that item you bought for your mother-in-law is a great gift. Or you may suddenly remember you have to bake cookies for the weekend party at your neighbor’s. There are ways to ensure that you stay productive during the whole season.

1. Adjust Your Goals

Staying objective in the middle of many holidays may be a daunting task. But having a calendar of items you would like to achieve can help. Before a week begins, think about priority things that need to be achieved by the end of the week. These short-term goals should be in line with your long-term goals. Have a calendar with a schedule of the essential items. Also, do not have too many expectations, considering fewer business days during holidays to avoid disappointments.

2. Avoid Procrastinating

Procrastination is a time thief. The pushing deadlines mindset is hugely precarious. Procrastination often gives the human body a rush of dopamine, the feel-good hormone in the body. In the holidays, there are too many distractions causing an increase in your stress levels. This, in turn, makes the season agonizing. If you can work online, Search Remotely for online tasks in your niche, and this way, you can work from home while spending time with family. Just have realistic expectations done on time. It feels much better than procrastination.

3. Just Breathe

Enjoy the holiday spirit. The holidays are the best time to just chill and take a break. According to research, a 10-minute break in the holiday enhances productivity. Give your brain the much-needed rest by taking advantage of the seasonal slowdown. This helps one return to work feeling more energized and ready to work productively. If you find the right spot, take some steps to re-center yourself. Take in a deep breath, rotate your head, meditate, and relax your shoulders. Focus on the present and do not allow other pressures to creep into your time to relax.

4. Do Not Be a Perfectionist

The saying no one is perfect has now become a cliché. Perfection and productivity do not always relate well. Waiting to begin a project when you get a perfect idea will cripple your ability to actualize it. Put more effort into starting rather than coming up with an excellent idea. It is an illusion that will only waste more of your little available time. After you start, that idea can be made better. Having a bad idea does not mean that it will not turn out well. Good work takes time.

5. Do Not Overwork

Your time is most often full during the holidays than at any other time. You have social events, work, and travel. This can bring about issues, such as scheduling conflicts and prioritizing others rather than yourself. This may even affect your sleeping patterns. Instead, keep your calendar as lean as possible. If you already have plans for this weekend, politely decline and RSVP to another. If your schedule at work is packed, avoid taking a meeting with another client until you are available.


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6. Stick to a Healthy Routine

Holidays are a season whereby regular routines are thrown out the window. We have all had an instance in January when we look back at how we spent our time in December and regretfully shook our heads for some of the decisions we made. Stick to your routine, including exercises, and control portion size during the holidays to allow you to maintain a semblance of normality. Staying healthy plays a critical role in boosting your morale and ability to work. If you can manage a few extra projects, dive right in to make some extra pennies because you will be spending a lot too.

7. Utilize Your Lunch Hour

December may be a month to stick at your desk during lunch hour. You can leave early to run your errands. You can also be proactive during this time by writing holiday cards, addressing gifts, or having a quick shopping run. Do not just sit there waiting for time to pass. High chances are, you will have a lot to accomplish but with little time.

8. Shake Things Up at Work

Try to be creative at work by creating a festive atmosphere. Holiday lightings, decorations, or treats may seem childish, but they generally boost morale at work. It boosts your performance and ensures you do not have a bad taste of the season by ignoring the fun nature of the holiday.

9. Avoid the Internet

The modern world has made it almost impossible to live without the internet. People rely heavily on the internet to communicate, especially during the pandemic. However, if you want to stay productive, try, and avoid being online at all times. It is not every aspect of work that needs you to be connected. The internet can be disruptive, and before you realize it, you could find yourself buried deep hours later and a project that was due long ago forgotten. Avoid the temptation to get another present during work hours.

10. Avoid Regularly Taking Work Home

Taking work home may give you a sense of entitlement the next day at work to spend their time doing personal holiday planning. After all, you brought work home when you would typically use that time to plan for the holiday. Try and separate diligently work life from personal or social life, especially during this holiday season.


Christmas holidays are a time for merry. Do not be an office scrooge. It may not be that interesting to stay productive, but it does not have to be a sad situation. With the above-written tips, you will remain fruitful while enjoying the holidays. But remember to balance!

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